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GHS Computer Club

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GHS Computer Club Point System

So Here's the Deal

No one gets to go to the year-end party unless

  • The club has enough money to have one
  • He or she has accumulated enough points (exact number to be determined, probably at least 30)
And if there is a raffle, which there should be, the number of tickets you get is proportional to the number of points you have accumulated.

This is How You Get Points

All point values may be changed depending on quality of work by the club advisor or president.

Writing or editing the newsletter or an article for the website 10—35 If it was a lot of work or a quality job, you will be awarded more points.
Coming to a meeting 5 We want to reward you, but come on, it doesn't take much to show up.
Getting a donation 100 If you get the dough, you get to show.
Doing a good job as an officer 50 Awarded at the end of the year by advisor, more or less for an excellent or poor job, respectively.
Anything(especially participating in a fundraiser) ? The president or advisor may award points for anything that was “a job well done.”

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Written by Alan Hogan on 2006-01-12; viewed 15596 times.

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